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Our Story

As a mother, we are well aware that the safety and happiness of our children are our top priorities. Just like you, Korean moms have chosen items for children with love. We are delighted to introduce you to 100% Korean products. We know that practicality and staying up-to-date with trends are important to you, and therefore, we guarantee that our products perfectly blend these elements.

Our Kidzkoko team is comprised of experts with a deep understanding of Korean children's products. We take pride in producing high-quality products that meet international standards. Our goal is to provide the safest experiences for your children without compromising on style or functionality. We are committed to offering you the best products that bring peace of mind to your heart while providing your child with the most enjoyable experiences. We will only introduce the safest and trendiest Korean top brands.

We are delighted to share carefully selected products that your children will love and use. Our mission is to make motherhood easier and more enjoyable for you. We believe that our products can do just that. Join us in creating a world where moms and children can thrive together with the help of our products.

Ultimately, there is nothing more important than ensuring the safety and happiness of our children as mothers. We are honored to be part of that journey with you.

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Imagine with Kidzkoko

The popular parenting item in social media, the “Noriterboard.” The unique design and details make a difference in the product’s quality.

Even more durable and sturdy! The Noriterboard receives a lot of love for its distinct sophistication.

 Since the material itself is different, Unlike other magnetic board manufacturers, Nolrterboard chose a coating method on top of steel plate instead of stamping. The production cost is over twice as expensive, but Noriterboard chose this method to create a magnetic chalkboard without lead and chemical components.

POSCO steel sheets are coated with PET BBC lamination treatment. By using the same system as the world's top-quality appliances from S Company, this coating process enhances the writing feel, erasability, and durability of the base metal, allowing for long-term use.